National Animal Welfare Trust – 2018 Calendar

Years ago we used to have rescue dog, her name was ‘Zena’ (her name at the rescue I didn’t have the heart to change it) she was a black lab mix, a big softie, sweetest nature and the best ever companion. We still miss her today she was very much part of our family and I have always wanted to give something back to the rescue to say thank you for our lovely furry friend. So I approached the National Animal Welfare Trust and asked them if I could take pics of some of their rescue dogs for a 2018 Calendar to help raise funds for the rescue which is in Clacton, Essex. They do such an amazing job of looking after and rehoming dogs, cats and other animals if you are interested in ordering a Calendar and supporting this great cause please contact them or drop me a line. All funds go to the NAWT rescue centre in Clacton.

Here is Arthur one of the rescue dogs who has now found his forever home.