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Anyone lost a cat in Wivenhoe or Colchester?

This rather handsome fella has been visiting us for the last four – six weeks. He usually arrives first thing in the morning and again in the evening, sometimes he has slept in our garden and other times he has sneaked in through the back door and curled up on our sofa. We have two cats and understandably they feel a bit put out by this over confident intruder but seeing as though he is twice their size they keep their distance and hiss from behind the bushes.

He sits outside on the car or in the garden whining and calling out until someone takes notice of him. Yes, I have fed him as I don’t know if he is homeless or not but I don’t want him to move in as he may already have a home and might just be a bit of a free loader type cat, the type who calls around a few houses for meals and hugs pretending to be homeless.

Despite me telling my daughter not to get attached she has now named him ‘Dexter’. If you know him, or know of someone missing a cat please get in contact.

ps This is not ‘Oswald’ another cat who has gone AWOL in Wivenhoe, we have already checked with owners.

(01206 823299)
Lost cat


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